The Gaze

eyesEver met people who instantly command respect? Those who sound interesting even when talking about mundane topics?

Here’s a simple technique you can use to be that person.



The Gaze is a simple anchoring technique that gives you an unfair advantage during any conversation.

Next time you talk to anyone, gaze into their right eye when initiating the conversation. When they reply, shift focus to their left eye. As you start talking to them again, look at their lower lip for a second or two and then shift your gaze onto their right eye again. This completes one cycle.

The key to doing the gaze properly is to not simply stare into their eyes like a psychopath but to mentally pick out details about the colour of their eyes.

After completing three or four cycles during a conversation, you can start to exert your influence.

While the target is talking, look at their lower lip for a beat and then return to the left eye. Now when you’re ready to speak, shift your gaze back onto their left eye, move to the lower lip and then onto the right eye. They’ll subconsciously stop talking and let you say your part.

Why does this happen? During the set up, you’ve established your gaze as an anchor. Their subconscious begins to associate your gaze on their right eye as your turn to speak and your gaze on their left eye as their turn to reply.


Use this simple occular anchor sequence to control the pace of any conversation. The Gaze has an added benefit of deepening your intimacy with the target.

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